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Monday, March 28, 2011

Am assuming that JESUS was born today.

What if Jesus wasn't born 2000 years ago, but rather God decided to send His son today?

Where would He be born?  Would He still choose a humble birth, or rather one more middle class?  Would His father be a carpenter, or rather a web designer?  And how about His mother?  Is there any woman today worthy to be the mother of our Savior?

 How about when Jesus reaches adulthood?  Would He choose the same venues for His public ministry?   Perhaps He would take to the Internet and create His own Web site.  Would He use Facebook to gather and record his followers?  Would I be brave enough to friend him, or better yet, would He friend me? 

Or maybe He would speak to the crowds in Grand Central Terminal as they boarded and exited the trains.  Perhaps He would preach His sermon in Central Park to crowds of park dwellers and their families.  Maybe He'd be the lead singer in a band and have sold out concerts in an attempt to reach followers through music.  Would they be going just for the music, or to listen to His message? 

But more importantly, would He be accepted?  When the authorities mock Him and arrest Him as some crazy lunatic, how many of us would support Him and demand His release?

Thank goodness, we know He already came and saved the world.  Knowing that, it is up to us, those who choose to accept Him, to keep Him alive in today's world.  After all, isn't that what we are all called to do?  Jesus is present anywhere we want Him to be.  So while we wait for Him to come again in all His glory, we can help move things along. All it takes is a willing heart and some creativity to bring Him and His message to others. Soon, at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow.

This idea as a whole is hypothetical, strange and even funny.  But it's interesting to consider this question: How would you react to Jesus if He first came today and not over 2000 years ago? Would you accept and follow Him, or would you be too blocked by your fear and doubt? How do you think the 21st Century world would respond to Jesus if He came today?

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